My Doctor is Shutting Down


President Johnson signing the U.S. Medicare bi...
July 30th, 1965 President Johnson signs Medicare Bill. Image via Wikipedia

I just received a letter from my primary care physician who wrote that because of cuts to doctors by Medicare by 25% and the costs running his practice has increased, he will be closing his office on January 31st, 2011. This is quite a shock to me because he has been my doctor ever since I moved to Florida over eight years ago. He says 70 % of his patients are on Medicare. That’s understandable since this is a retirement community and many elderly reside here.

What really bothers me, though, is that I had a conversation with him about ObamaCare and some of the new health laws like the ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’  and he was all for it at the time! He said it would help those who don’t have medical insurance. Well, duh! What good is health insurance if there is no doctor to treat you? We need you doctors! Money isn’t everything! Taking care of the sick is everything! What happened to the dedication and vows? Do doctors know and realize that they are called by God to minister health to bodies,  just like a priest is called by God to minister to souls?

Anyway, I called my pharmacy today and had my diabetic medications refilled, so I have a good supply until I find a new doctor to take care of my medical needs. I also found out that the Medicare deductible is going up for 2011. We will need about $175.00 for our first doctors visit in 2011.

I wonder how many other doctors will be shutting down, quitting their profession, abandoning their calling? We are living some sad times. I hope not too many.

Deacon John


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3 thoughts on “My Doctor is Shutting Down

  1. Deacon John
    This is not any surprise!!! I can feel your disappointment & anger and rightfully so! If you are wondering about the ethics of doctors this to has changed nothing is the same {Sign Of Our Times} In the old days doctors would come to the home nothing would stop them in their work they were dedicated people because they where doing the work that was in the heart, NOW its what’s in ones pocket! Shame! yes but the Obama plan has set them and us up to fail. I tell you we will be hearing more about the doctors closing up shop! You know what to do! Go to our Mother Mary she will never let you down she will show you whom to pick as your next physician.

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