Reflecting on The Rosary Feast Day!


This Feast was instituted to honor Mary for the Christian victory, in a naval battle, over the Turks at Lapanto on October 7, 1571. Pope St. Pius V and all Christians had prayed the Rosary for victory asking the help of the holy Mother!

The Rosary is a powerful means of uniting families, communities, and nations in the Mystical Body of Christ, which is so badly needed in these modern times. In reciting the Rosary, we say, "pray for us sinners," not "pray for me." The prayers of the Rosary take us out of ourselves by adoring and thanking God, and particularly by meditating on the doctrinal truths of the 20 Mysteries. Moreover, as Pope Leo XIII wrote, "The Rosary is by far the best prayer by which to plead before Her (Mary) the cause of our separated brethren."

Pope John Paul IICover of Pope John Paul II

The chaplet is often recited on beads as a ros...Image via Wikipedia

Pope John Paul II said: "It could be said that each mystery of the Rosary, carefully meditated, sheds light on the mystery of man. To pray the Rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful Hearts of Christ and His Mother. The Rosary does indeed ‘mark the rhythm of human life,’ bringing it into harmony with the ‘rhythm’ of God’s own life, in the joyful communion of the Holy Trinity, our life’s destiny and deepest longing."

You say you have no time for this? I found that there is always time to pray the Holy Rosary. On the way to work, turn off the radio and say a few decades . . . At lunch, instead of gabbing and fooling around, sit by yourself and pray . . . Going to the doctor, dentist; car getting repaired? All this takes time and waiting, waiting . . . a great time to pray a few decades and see how the time flys as you immerse yourself in God and His Blessed Mother.

And the Mysteries remind us of the realities taking place before us. The Rosary is a miniture Gospel, living and breathing in your life today!

The Joyful Mysteries remind us of Christ’s Annunciation, Incarnation, Birth, Presentation, and Presense in the temple. Place yourself there in those sacred events, thinking about your own conception, birth, baptism, confirmation, First Eucharist, and your conversion.

The Luminous Mysteries remind us of Christ’s Baptism, Miracles, Preaching, Transfiguration, and institution of the Eucharist and holy Priesthood. Place yourself into these sacred events, thinking about your own Christian life with all it’s highs and lows, lights and dark nights of the soul.

The Sorrowful Mysteries remind us of Christ’s sacred Passion and Death on the Cross, as we unite all our sufferings, mental and physical, with His sufferings, offering everything to the Father through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The Glorious Mysteries remind us that the victory has been won; That the Holy Spirit has called us proclaim that Jesus and Mary are reigning in Heaven, awaiting us to finally enter the Father’s Kingdom "where there are many mansions!"

"Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well-beloved spouse!"

Yes, our whole life is wrapped up in the Rosary Mysteries, the Life, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, forever united with Mary, His Most Blessed Mother; Two Hearts, never to be separated, with our hearts placed in-between, for all eternity.

"Hear, sweet Mother, hear the weary,

"Tossed upon life’s troubled sea;

"Gentle, guiding Star of ocean,

"Lead thy children home to thee."

It seems impossible that a weak frail thing like a string of roses can do such heavy duty in our stresses of life, a true life preserver, but if we hang on to It, wear It, pray It, we will be buoyed up above the waves of life, and we will always have the strength and courage to live in imitation of Jesus and Mary. The Rosary will do this and more. Try It!

Deacon John

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